Achieving Wellness: How My25 is Revolutionizing Nutrition at Easterseals Northeast Indiana | Easterseals Northeast Indiana
Healthy eating habits
Haffner House staff member Bonnie Reeves cuts up vegetables before dinner as resident Monica watches and staff member Geraldine Emedobi finishes preparing dinner.
Easterseals Arc Supported Living
Nona enjoys a cup of pudding after dinner at Haffner House.
my25 program
My25 provides detailed dinner menus for each house it serves, including these for Haffner House.
Easterseals Arc Group Home
Staff member Bonnie Reeves watches Haffner House residents during their dinner.
Staff member Tammy Thompson assists a Weston resident with his dinner. “Honestly, most everything that comes on the menus, the guys like,” Thompson said of the My25 meals.
Easterseals Arc My25 Program
Staff member Jan Hardacre, left, spends dinner time with four of the residents of Weston House.
The St. Joseph Community Health Foundation
This program is partially supported by a grant from the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation.
My25 Health Achievements
Client proudly showing off her health achievement.
My25 gold recognition health leader
Natacha Botale, gold recognition health leader, presenting the certificate to our client at the Haffner Home.
Health Achievements at Haffner House
Clients showing off their health achievements at Haffner House.
Haffner Home Client Exercising
Haffner Home Client Exercising

Easterseals Northeast Indiana is making waves in health and wellness with the My25 program, a transformative meal planning service designed to provide healthier, budget-friendly meals customized to individual dietary needs. This innovative approach has yielded impressive results in the first four group homes where it’s been implemented.

My25 Program Gains Popularity Among Residents and Staff

The My25 program is a hit among residents and staff alike. “Honestly, most everything that comes on the menus, the guys like,” says Tammy Thompson, a staff member at Weston House in Columbia City. Resident Jonathan shared, “I like it! I like everything but Brussels sprouts,” while Lonnie, another resident, added, “I like Brussels sprouts.”

Since launching the partnership with My25 in January 2024, Easterseals Northeast Indiana has seen positive feedback. The program’s focus on healthier eating habits—featuring lower-fat proteins, low-calorie beverages, more fruits and vegetables, and nutritious snacks—is set to expand to additional group homes.

Health Improvements and Dietary Adjustments

Jane, a resident at Haffner House in Fort Wayne, noted the improvement: “Sometimes I have to watch the grease. It’s not as greasy now,” she said about the new menus. Jane was especially pleased with the option of chicken salad as an alternative to fish, which she cannot eat.

The impact of My25 is clear. A May 2024 report highlighted that 11 of 14 residents were either at or moving towards a healthy BMI. One resident lost 10 pounds, while another shed 8 pounds. Additionally, all four homes maintained their grocery budgets while achieving these health milestones.

Tailored Meal Plans for Better Nutrition

Key adjustments in the meal plans include:

  • A slow-cooker meal each week, reducing food prep time for staff.
  • Serving a half plate of vegetables at dinner to enhance nutrition.
  • Removing Bran Flakes from breakfast menus due to resident preferences.
  • Adding decaf coffee at breakfast and dinner.
  • Excluding nuts from menus in one home due to allergies.

Jessica Ward, supervisor at Weston House, commended My25’s responsiveness to feedback, noting how the menu was adjusted to accommodate residents’ requests, such as reducing chicken and eliminating black beans.

Recognizing Health Achievements at Haffner House

Easterseals Northeast Indiana proudly recognizes the health achievements of three residents at Haffner House, led by supervisor Natacha Botale. One resident lost 22 pounds, reducing their BMI from 34.8 to 31.1, while two others maintained healthy BMIs of 21.5 and 25.5. Botale’s exceptional leadership has earned her gold recognition for health leadership excellence.

This impactful program is supported by a grant from the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation.