Easterseals RISE Awarded $20,000 from Steuben County Disaster Response Fund | Easterseals Northeast Indiana

Easterseals RISE has been awarded a grant of $20,000 from the Steuben County Disaster Response Fund, a partnership of the Steuben County Community Foundation and Steuben County United Way.

Easterseals RISE applied for the funding to help offset the loss of donations in 2020 due to the cancellation of fundraising events during the COVID-19 pandemic. In previous years, Easterseals RISE fundraising events had garnered $50,000 to $60,000 in donations.

The Disaster Response Fund grant will support the expansion of employment services and other programs that encourage community integration for people with disabilities in Steuben County.

The grant funds will be awarded in two parts: an initial installment of $10,000 and the opportunity for a second installment of $10,000 in matching funds. The matching funds will be a dollar-for-dollar match of monetary donations received by Easterseals RISE through July 31, 2021.

Individuals, groups or corporations that would like to help Easterseals RISE earn the matching funds may donate online at www.easterseals.com/neindiana/give and direct their gift to Easterseals RISE or contact Executive Director Crystal Church-Stavitzke at cchurch-stavitzke@esrise.org or 260.665.9408 ext. 461.