Our Locations

Easterseals is proud to serve northeast Indiana with locations in Fort Wayne, Columbia City, and Angola. While the offerings of each location may differ, all feature compassionate staff dedicated to serving each participant’s unique needs.

Our Impact

Zach's Story

One of the things Zach learned in his years at the restaurant was the importance of attendance and punctuality on the job. That shows in Zach’s work for Refreshed Tech. He’s been absent only one day since he was hired in March, said Kathy Stellhorn, the director of human resources at Refreshed Tech.

Featured Events

Thursday, April 24

Dancing With The Arc Stars

Mark your calendar for  an evening of entertainment and friendly competition to benefit the individuals served by Easterseals Northeast Indiana!

Grand Wayne Convention Center, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Empowering People with Disabilities Through Skills Development: The Impact of Trine University and Easterseals’ Pre-Manufacturing Academy

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Latest News

Tuesday, January 28

Easterseals Northeast Indiana Aligns Regional Branding; Unified Name Ties Together Locations, Resources

The region’s largest provider of disability programs and services announced today that all Easterseals locations in Fort Wayne, Angola and Columbia City will begin operating under one name: Easterseals Northeast Indiana. 

Monday, December 16

AWS Foundation Grant Supports Continued Collaboration on Inclusive Events

AWS Foundation has awarded a $4,235 grant to Easterseals Arc of Northeast Indiana to support the Fort Wayne Abilities Co-op (FWACO) in providing inclusive, sensory friendly social events.

Monday, December 9

Foundation Award Celebrates DSP Mataya Cody

Cody has been a DSP with Easterseals Passages since 2020. A co-worker who said it was a blessing to work with Cody nominated her for the award, noting that Cody always advocates for the individuals she supports.